

I traveled to Bolivia and Peru a few years ago and spent several weeks immersed in some of the most remote locations on earth.

I had bought a charango and a ronroco in La Paz which allowed me to write music along the way, inspired by what I was experiencing at the time.

Being in the wild at the mercy of the elements for so long, I was constantly reminded of how small we are and that nature in all its awe-inspiring beauty allows me to find peace like nothing else does. But I know it can also turn against us if we ignore it’s signals.

In these trying and isolating times we are living through, I hope this music will allow you to escape and travel in some small way!

Music composed and performed by Max LL
Artwork & Photography by Maude Plante-Husaruk
Artwork Animations by Marion Favier
Mastering by Harris Newman

AlbumMax LL